Monday, November 22, 2010

Prince William and Lady Kate Engaged

It's official: Prince William is engaged to Kate Middleton!

The groom's family announced the long-awaited engagement and upcoming wedding today.

The world's most eligible bachelor proposed to his girlfriend of eight years during a safari in Kenya in October.

According to the official statement, "The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince William to Miss Catherine Middleton. The wedding will take place in the Spring or Summer of 2011, in London. Further details about the wedding day will be announced in due course.

"Prince William has informed The Queen and other close members of his family. Prince William has also sought the permission of Miss Middleton's father. Following the marriage, the couple will live in north Wales, where Prince William will continue to serve with the Royal Air Force." A Buckingham Palace spokeswoman said: "Both the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are absolutely delighted for them both."
The couple has been (officially) together for eight years, though they broke up for a short time in 2007. They met while they were both students at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland in 2001. The couple roomed in the same dorm and in 2002 moved off campus to a private house with two friends.

At a fashion show in 2001 the future king of England was overheard telling a friend that he thought Kate was "hot" when she modeled a see-through dress with black lingerie underneath.

Many of the couple's wedding plans are still unknown, but it is expected that Prince Harry, Prince William's younger brother, will act as best man and the details of the wedding will be organized by Clarence House, which oversees Prince Charles' and his sons' affairs.

Leave a comment and wish the newly engaged couple well!

Please do not thank me for righting this post as I did not right it I simply copied and pasted as I want to know your thoughts about this. I do not own this post as I did not right it again, and also ladies do not feel jealous over Lady Kate's 18 carat sapphire ring which was originally the prince's mother's ring.


Hello, this week there is a holiday coming up, Thanksgiving which is known mainly for the big dinner you have on it. It is actually about giving thanks for all of the things that you have. Like I am thankful for living in America so we are free and can use technology that we are free and able to use. I really like this holiday because I get to spend time with my family. When my dad would usually be in his office, my mom would be on her laptop and watching television, my brother and I would be playing our xbox 360, we are all talking and playing games. This holiday really brings my family closer, and I am truly thankful for that. See you next time.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Disturbed - The Infection

Disturbed is an awesome band. To all of you who think otherwise I understand if it is not your kind of music but if it is then you should like this band no matter what.Their singer is named David Drieman he also has his own band called David Drieman and I mean sure, he does have other people to play the music for him but he does most of it in his band. I put a video of one of their songs called, The Infection off of their newest album, which I own called, Asylum. If you were wondering how David Drieman got his voice I will tell you. He got his voice by singing by the "priest" in the Jewish  "church or temple" when he was a kid. Then he became the singer for Disturbed.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lord Loss Part.2

Hey there this is more info on Lord Loss the first book in the Demonata series by Darren Shan.

   So last time to end off Grubitsch  Grady or Grubbs for short, was in the insane asylum and they were about to keep him in the hospital forever. But, then they got the idea of bringing some of his family in to see him and tell him how sorry they were and how good life was outside of the institute. The last one of his relatives to come was his uncle Dervish. He had a plan to get him out. The plan was that Grubbs should lie to get out and let them think that they are helping them. So he did after some consideration. Then he was let out but he had to stay with a  recovery family for one week. So he did but after a while he scared the family's kids by talking about his parents' death. Then he got to go to Dervish's mansion which was shaped like an L and was near a small village called Carcery Vale (Pronounced Car-sherry).

Part 3. is next so good bye.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lord Loss Part. 1

Hey, just so everybody knows the Demonata series by Darren Shan is the best and I will give you a longer version of a summary about what I have read so far.In the story so far what has happened is the kid saw his parent's dead bodies that were killed by demons. One of them had the body of a dog, its four paws were four woman's hands, and it had the head of a crocodile. The other one was a three year old child with its hair cockroaches, 8 sharp jagged teeth, and in its eye sockets there were not eyes, but two tiny fireballs instead. He was sent to an insane asylum, or a crazy institute. He stayed there for months. At first they put him on pills but that never did anything because Grubbs stuck to his demon story. Then they continued on by giving him shock therapy, which is they send electricity into his head giving him pain. But then they just gave up but they did keep him in the hospital.

      Part. 2 will be here shortly. I still need to type it and here are two pictures of the cover of this
Demonata book, Lord Loss.

                                Lord Loss in the U.S. (Top)                        Lord Loss in the U.K. (Bottom)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Earliest Americans

Hello, it's Nate again and we are going to do our main Social Studies part straight from the book itself.

      North America was new to the Europeans but people lived here before the founder of America came. I bet you can guess who! That's right the Indians! When Christopher Columbus came here he was actually hoping to come back with many treasures from Asia. He thought that when he hit land he was on one of a group of islands that were known as the Eastern Indies that were between Australia and Asia. That's why he Christopher Columbus called the people here Indians. Well I hope you enjoy this little bit of information and I hope that you visit me again.