Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Lost Colony of Roanoke Island

Hey everybody, today I will be blogging about The Lost Colony. Everybody knows why this colony got the name "The Lost Colony". But nobody knows why or how they got lost. There are some theories that I will share with you later.

The Story

The English sent a hundred some people to North America. They then established a colony at Roanoke Island. Then the people complained that there weren't enough things to go around. So the governor, John White, set sail back to England to get some more supplies. He didn't get back for another three years! And when he did come back, everyone was gone. All that he found was the word "CROATOAN" carved into a tree. Croatoan was the name of a nearby Native American village, and he feared the worst.


Theory #1. They were all killed by a disease.
This theory almost can't be true because there were no bodies found at the colony's town. Although this might be true, it is very unlikely even though the English did bring over many diseases to America.

Theory #2. They were all killed by a horrible hurricane.
This is another theory that almost can't be true because even though there weren't any bodies, and the houses were destroyed, the fence they built around their town was still standing tall. A hurricane that destroys a small town should be able to destroy a fence.

Final theory. The Native Americans killed all of them.
This is the most likely theory of all of them because about 5 years ago the English tried to make a colony at Roanoke Island and made the Croatoans mad. So when the English made their second colony, the Native Americans probably just got angry with them too.

I hope that you learned something today and that I will see you next time. Orotomo is gone

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