Friday, April 29, 2011

Bartimaeus Nathaniel Post One

Hey everybody, today I will be talking about Nathaniel's role in my book since I last posted.

Since i last left off, Nathaniel got his official name, John Mandrake. Three days later, he went to a conference at Parliament and saw a kid with an elemental sphere (Elemental Sphere: A sphere of magical power that contains all four elements, earth, water, fire, and wind.) that exploded and damaged some, but not many people. He tried to summon Bartimaeus, but he was captured and was in the tower of London, where many demons are stored to be interrogated. He was caught spying on his master and was going to be punished until Simon Lovelace showed up. Bartimaeus came back at the same time that Simon showed up. Simon then found the Amulet of Samarkand in Underwood's study and burned the house to the ground. Nathaniel got out alive with Bartimaeus and currently are in a library.

Well, that is Nathaniel's part in the story so far. I hope you enjoyed this post and that you will read the book someday, farewell.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bartimaeus: The Amulet of Samarkand Part Three

Hey everybody, today I will be blogging on Bartimaeus again. I have read more of Nathaniel's story and more of Nathaniel's story. Here is the summary of Nathaniel's part that I read.

                            The next chapter I will tell you about tells about the time when Simon Lovelace first met Nathaniel. Nathaniel was outside in the garden with Ms. Lutyens, his art teacher, when Mrs. Underwood came bursting out of the door telling him that Mr. Underwood wants to show him to other magicians. So Nathaniel ran through the house and walked through the door to Mr. Underwood. Mr. Underwood showed him to an old person that didn't say his name, a very clammy person that didn't say his name, and Simon Lovelace. Lovelace asked Nathaniel some questions which he answered correctly, which led to Simon calling him stupid. Nathaniel called him a sore loser, so Simon shouted a command and Nathaniel was being held back by demons under Simon's control. Nathaniel ran out of the room once Simon let go of him. He went up the stairs and into Underwood's study. He grabbed a glass box filled with demon mites and a hammer. He said Simon's name, smashed the box open, and the mites attacked Simon, the clammy man, and the old person. Once that happened, he ran into the schoolroom where Ms. Lutyens was waiting. Then, Simon opened the door and summoned his imp. The imp picked up Nathaniel and beat him until he was unconscious.

In the next chapter it tells about what Nathaniel did after that, which I will tell you in 2-3 sentences.

Nathaniel summoned and captured an imp which he uses to spy on people. He then used his imp to spy on Lovelace. He found out how he is going to get Simon back, by summoning Bartimaeus and stealing the Amulet of Samarkand.

I haven't read much on Bartimaeus so you can read about that in my next post, farewell.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bartimaeus Post 2

Hey everybody, today I will be posting the second blog post for Bartimaeus. All that I have read since my last post is more things about Nathaniel. I have read about Nathaniel's teachers and what they teach him. He has three teachers, one for his basic learning skills like geometry, other languages, math, and all of those other kills that we would learn in school. Then he had a teacher for drawing and a teacher for music. Both of which are useful to a magician. They need music to all or calm down certain types of demons. Drawing can be used for a number of things, like summoning, certain types of spells, and a lot of other things.

I hope that you have enjoyed this post and that you will read the book yourself someday, farewell.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bartimaeus: The Amulet of Samarkand

Hey everybody, today I will be talking about the book called Bartimaeus: The Amulet of Samarkand.

The setting takes place in London, England. Bartimaeus is a magical being called a djinn, and there are more djinni then just him. So far I have read chapters 1-8 of the book. What's interesting about this book is that it switches between the characters Bartimaeus and Nathaniel throughout the chapters. So far Bartimaeus's storyline has been this.

             Bartimaeus was summoned by Nathaniel and was told to steal the magical artifact called The Amulet of Samarkand from Simon Lovelace, a very well-known magician, and bring it to Nathaniel. Bartimaeus snuck into Lovelace's mansion and stole the amulet. But as he tried to get out, he ran into two other djinni, Jabor and Farqual, that were summoned by Simon Lovelace. When he got out, Bartimaeus changed into a bird and flew away from the mansion. Then, he got tired and changed into the form of a boy and hid among the crowd. After that, these kids started chasing after Bartimaeus until finally he shook them off, or so he thought. Bartimaeus then almost went to sleep in an alleyway, until the kids that were chasing after him caught him. Bartimaeus changed into an alligator and got them away from him. Then, he changed into a fox and hid in a trash can until the night police showed up and took away the kids.

This has been Nathaniel's story so far.

           Nathaniel's first chapters tells about an experience with demons when he was only six years old. His master, Arther Underwood told him to go into his study and put on some glasses that were in a metal box. So, he went down into his study and then pencils started flying out of a cup on his master's desk. This scared him so he instantly found the glasses and put them on. He saw a lot of small demons standing still until the noticed that he had the glasses on. Then, they tackled him. The next chapters of Nataniel's story tell about how he came to Underwood. His parents saw an advertisement somewhere that said if you give in your child to a magician to become their apprentice, they will pay you. So Nathaniel's parents dropped him off, got their money, and left. Nathaniel was told to forget about his past and his name. Nathaniel's master's wife, Martha, told him that he could share his name with her. At the point where I stopped reading, Martha was being very kind to Nathaniel, and Underwood didn't like that.

That's is the story so far, I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you will read the book sometime, farewell.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Report on Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

Hey everybody, I finished the book called Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH yesterday, and today I will be posting about it.
                                                                         Long  Summary

Mrs. Frisby's son, Timothy, got pneumonia one day. Mrs. Frisby went to see Mr. Ages, another mouse that was a doctor. Mr. Ages gave Mrs. Frisby some medicine to give Timothy. Mrs. Frisby gave Timothy the medicine, but Timothy still couldn't do much. Mrs. Frisby saved a crow named Jeremy that helped took her to a very wise owl so she could ask him what to do about Timothy, as he would be killed by a Mr. Fittsgibbon's (Farmer) plow when it came to plow the field. The owl told her to ask the Rats of NIMH if they could move her house. Mrs. Frisby went to the rats and was denied entrance to their colony because she was a stranger to them. Mr. Ages helped her get in as he was friends with the rats. Mrs. Frisby met Nicodemus, the leader of the rat colony. Nicodemus told Mrs. Frisby the rat's background story, and also told her how Mr. Firsby, Mrs. Frisby's husband, died. Nicodemus said that they would move her house if she could put sleeping powder into Dragon's food bowl. Dragon is the Fittsgibbon's fierce cat. Mrs. Frisby put the sleeping powder in Dragon's food bowl, and then got caught by the Fittsgibbon's youngest son, Billy. Justin, on of the rats from NIMH got her out of the bird cage that she was put in. Mrs. Frisby's house was moved behind a big stone in the Fittsgibbon's field, so it wouldn't get hit by the plow when it came by. The rats moved from their original home to Thorn Valley because of a plan that the rats had.

                                                         The Rats of NIMH's Plan

                   The Plan was to stop stealing from other people. So what they did was they took some seeds and food that would last them feed them for eighteen months from Mr. Fittsgibbon. So they then moved to Thorn Valley and planted their own crops. That was the Rats on NIMH's Plan.