Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bartimaeus: The Amulet of Samarkand Part Three

Hey everybody, today I will be blogging on Bartimaeus again. I have read more of Nathaniel's story and more of Nathaniel's story. Here is the summary of Nathaniel's part that I read.

                            The next chapter I will tell you about tells about the time when Simon Lovelace first met Nathaniel. Nathaniel was outside in the garden with Ms. Lutyens, his art teacher, when Mrs. Underwood came bursting out of the door telling him that Mr. Underwood wants to show him to other magicians. So Nathaniel ran through the house and walked through the door to Mr. Underwood. Mr. Underwood showed him to an old person that didn't say his name, a very clammy person that didn't say his name, and Simon Lovelace. Lovelace asked Nathaniel some questions which he answered correctly, which led to Simon calling him stupid. Nathaniel called him a sore loser, so Simon shouted a command and Nathaniel was being held back by demons under Simon's control. Nathaniel ran out of the room once Simon let go of him. He went up the stairs and into Underwood's study. He grabbed a glass box filled with demon mites and a hammer. He said Simon's name, smashed the box open, and the mites attacked Simon, the clammy man, and the old person. Once that happened, he ran into the schoolroom where Ms. Lutyens was waiting. Then, Simon opened the door and summoned his imp. The imp picked up Nathaniel and beat him until he was unconscious.

In the next chapter it tells about what Nathaniel did after that, which I will tell you in 2-3 sentences.

Nathaniel summoned and captured an imp which he uses to spy on people. He then used his imp to spy on Lovelace. He found out how he is going to get Simon back, by summoning Bartimaeus and stealing the Amulet of Samarkand.

I haven't read much on Bartimaeus so you can read about that in my next post, farewell.

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