Friday, October 29, 2010

Learning Blog number 3

Okay hello, so I know that you haven't seen a learning blog in a while and you can't see my other ones because I accidentally deleted them so here this one is.

               This week I learned how to multiply decimal numbers with normal numbers. It's just like multiplying money!

   Example : 28                      I'm almost positive that I will learn some different kind of multiplication 
                  x2.3                     next.
 Well I will see you later.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The grey fox

           Hello and welcome to,
          The grey fox can be found from a place in Canada called Ontario through the central and Southwestern United States to Venezuela. It lives also in the chaparral of California and Mexico. It prefers wooded and brushy areas of the southwest, central, and eastern United States where most of the rainfall happens in the winter while summers are dry and hot. It isn't found in the Rocky Mountains, The Great Plains, or eastern central America.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Learning Blog Number 2

Hi, today we are going to sum up what I have learned this week.

         # 1. I've learned how to multiply 2-digit numbers.

                1.1. First you take the bottom far right digit, the 7 in this case and multiply it by the three, the top far right digit. and then you've got 21 you pull down the 1 as you're ones digit, and then put the 2 above the 4 like this, now you need to do the same with the 7 and the 4, the top far left digit. and then you get 28, but then you add the 2 to the 28 and you then get 30, so you now you have this,                                        2                        
                   43                43                   43
                 x27              x27                 x27

1.2 Okay so you have this, now you just forget about the 301 for now, then you add a 0 to below the 7 before you start and then you do the exact same thing over again but with the 2 instead of the 7 so now you should have this,
  43            43
x27          x27
A.301     A.860

and then just add the two answers and then,     voila! you have the answer which is 1,161.    

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Andean condors part 2.

So now you've tuned back into orotomo radio people and today we are going to talk about andean condors.

    To start off, these birds can live up to 75 years old if they are in captivity, or not in the wild. But they reproduce, or give birth slowly. The birds in captivity only give birth to one egg per year. And then with this kind of bird, both parent birds must care for it, for a full year. Kind of like your parents do, used to do, or did to you. And weird as it is, andean condors aren't really that endangered. You can see because their ''Californian'' cousins are barely alive but with the andean condors, there are many compared to their Californian condor cousins.