Friday, October 22, 2010

Learning Blog Number 2

Hi, today we are going to sum up what I have learned this week.

         # 1. I've learned how to multiply 2-digit numbers.

                1.1. First you take the bottom far right digit, the 7 in this case and multiply it by the three, the top far right digit. and then you've got 21 you pull down the 1 as you're ones digit, and then put the 2 above the 4 like this, now you need to do the same with the 7 and the 4, the top far left digit. and then you get 28, but then you add the 2 to the 28 and you then get 30, so you now you have this,                                        2                        
                   43                43                   43
                 x27              x27                 x27

1.2 Okay so you have this, now you just forget about the 301 for now, then you add a 0 to below the 7 before you start and then you do the exact same thing over again but with the 2 instead of the 7 so now you should have this,
  43            43
x27          x27
A.301     A.860

and then just add the two answers and then,     voila! you have the answer which is 1,161.    

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