Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lord Loss Part. 1

Hey, just so everybody knows the Demonata series by Darren Shan is the best and I will give you a longer version of a summary about what I have read so far.In the story so far what has happened is the kid saw his parent's dead bodies that were killed by demons. One of them had the body of a dog, its four paws were four woman's hands, and it had the head of a crocodile. The other one was a three year old child with its hair cockroaches, 8 sharp jagged teeth, and in its eye sockets there were not eyes, but two tiny fireballs instead. He was sent to an insane asylum, or a crazy institute. He stayed there for months. At first they put him on pills but that never did anything because Grubbs stuck to his demon story. Then they continued on by giving him shock therapy, which is they send electricity into his head giving him pain. But then they just gave up but they did keep him in the hospital.

      Part. 2 will be here shortly. I still need to type it and here are two pictures of the cover of this
Demonata book, Lord Loss.

                                Lord Loss in the U.S. (Top)                        Lord Loss in the U.K. (Bottom)

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