Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fallout: New Vegas Guide Weapons

Hey everybody, today I am feeling quite sick but I am still here to blog about Fallout New Vegas! Now you see I got this game for Christmas, and I have looked around in the game and have found some things called unique weapons. These are special weapons that have special names and are not found in more then one place in the game. There are forty-three different unique weapons. Here are five of them.

                   That Gun : This gun is like a futuristic revolver that is gray and neon green. It can be bought from Cliff Briscoe in Novac at the "Dino-Bite" store. Also can be obtained by steeling it from Cliff Briscoe's supply closet. It gets it's name because in Fallout One and Two people referred to it as "That Gun"

                   Euclid's CFinder : This can be bought from a kid named Max Outside of the East Gate of Freeside, a town just south of the New Vegas Strip. The price of it is one thousand caps. Caps are used as money in this game. If you have a high enough barter skill then you can buy it for twenty caps. or you can steal it from him in his sleep while he is in his broken down house inside of Freeside. To use this weapon you must first complete the quest "That Lucky Old Sun" and arm the super weapon "ARCHIMEDES II".

                   Oh Baby! : This is the unique Super Sledge which is found in the cave that is right outside of Jacobstown. This weapon is most easily found if you have the quest given by Dr. Henry to find out what the cause of the Nightstalker's invisibility is. Inside of the cave it is right next to the Nightkin's dead body that has the chewed up Stealth Boy.

                   Nephi's Golf Driver : This is just a really good golf club that you can get from the fiend Nephi. He is most easily found in the quest that is given to you by an NCR commander that tells you to kill three special fiends named Cook-Cook, a crazy pyromaniac, Nephi, a crazy melee drug addict, and Violet, a crazy dog tamer.

                   Holy Frag Grenades : I do not know the specific location of these grenades, but they are in a completely radiated destroyed town. They are in the basement of the house in the almost exact center of the town. These are almost the strongest weapons in the game. Most useful if you use them on the Legendary Deathclaw when you are at level thirty.

Well that is what I have to tell you about these five unique weapons.

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