Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Addax Antelope

Hey everybody, today I will be talking about the addax.

The addax is an endangered species of antelope. There are less than 1,000 addax left in the wild. The addax are desert creatures that travel at night in search of vegetation. They don't need very much water, the only water they get is a few drops from plants. Its average length is 5 ft. long, and its average shoulder height is about 3 ft. high. There are more than 1,000 addax in captivity, and about 600 addax have been born in captive breeding programs. Doesn't that surprise you though? The fact that there are more addax antelope in captivity than there are in the wild! Well, I should probably let you get back to whatever you were doing. I'll see you next time.

If you want to see a live addax antelope then go to this website :

Friday, March 25, 2011


Hey everybody, today I will be talking about gold. Gold is a very valuable metal that was originally worthless. In this post I will tell you a little bit about gold.

Here are six facts about gold.

     Gold's chemical symbol is Au, which comes from the Latin word for gold, aurum.

     Gold has been found on every continent on Earth.

     Gold is so pliable that it can be made into sewing thread.

     Gold can conduct heat and electricity.

     Gold can never rust.

     Gold is edible.

Here is some information on that last fact just in case you were confused.

 Some Asian countries actually put gold in tea, coffee, fruit and jelly snacks. Ever since the 1500's, Europeans have been putting gold leaf in liquors. Some African American tribes actually thought that eating gold could make you levitate, or float in mid-air.

I actually own a little bit of real gold, I got it from panning for gold when I went to South Dakota.

Here are some True or False questions that I would like you to answer in your comments.

1. People used to think that gold could make you float.

2. Gold can easily rust.

3. Gold radiates heat.

4. Gold was only found in the continents of North American, South America, Asia, and Europe.

5. Gold's chemical symbol comes from an American term.

Please answer these true or false questions in a comment. On the last day of April in 2011, I will tell you the answers to these questions.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Canadian Pacer Horse Part One

This breed of horse comes from a cross between the Canadian Horse and the Narragansett Pacer. The Canadian and Narragansett horses were sent to this land in the 1600's, but the breeds were crossed in the late 1700's and the early 1800's. The French brought the two horses that made the Canadian Pacer. The Canadian Pacer was quite tall as it is about 14.3 adult human hands tall. I actually rode on a Canadian Pacer when I went on vacation with my family to South Dakota. I will tell you more on part two of these posts. I hope that you learned something today and enjoyed this post. I bid you farewell.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mrs.Firsby and the Rats of NIMH

             Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH is a good book in my opinion. So far I have read 9 out of the 27 chapters. Mrs. Frisby's Children are named Timothy, Martin, Teresa, and Cynthia.

First, Mrs. Frisby found a a tree stump filled with enough food to feed her and her family for the rest of the winter. So she brought back as much as she could carry by herself, and then went back to her cement
block house. Then, she woke up her children so they could eat corn for their breakfast. After that, Timothy caught pneumonia. So Mrs. Frisby went to see another mouse named Dr. Ages. When she got to him he told her that had Timothy gotten pneumonia. Dr. Ages then gave her some medicine for Timothy. So Mrs. Frisby raced back to her house. On her way there she found a crow named  Jeremy stuck to a fence. So she helped him out as quickly as she could so that the cat, Dragon, wouldn't see them.
When she got back to her house, Mrs. Frisby gave Timothy his medicine.

Now Moving Day was close. Mrs. Frisby didn't know what to do because Timothy still couldn't walk yet. So she asked Jeremy, the crow, for help. He said that he would bring Mrs. Frisby to a very wise owl so that she may ask him her question. So at dusk, Jeremy picked up Mrs. Frisby and flew to the owl. When she got there, she asked him how to solve her problem. He said that she should ask the rats that lived in the big rosebuch in Mr. Fittzgibbon's yard. Mr. Fittzgibbon is the person who owns the farm where Mrs. Frisby and her children live at. So she went there, and she found the biggest rat that she had ever seen guarding a very complex hole. That is as far as I have gotten in the book. I hope that you have enjoyed this post. I also hope that you will read this book someday as it is a good book to me. Farewell.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Lost Colony of Roanoke Island

Hey everybody, today I will be blogging about The Lost Colony. Everybody knows why this colony got the name "The Lost Colony". But nobody knows why or how they got lost. There are some theories that I will share with you later.

The Story

The English sent a hundred some people to North America. They then established a colony at Roanoke Island. Then the people complained that there weren't enough things to go around. So the governor, John White, set sail back to England to get some more supplies. He didn't get back for another three years! And when he did come back, everyone was gone. All that he found was the word "CROATOAN" carved into a tree. Croatoan was the name of a nearby Native American village, and he feared the worst.


Theory #1. They were all killed by a disease.
This theory almost can't be true because there were no bodies found at the colony's town. Although this might be true, it is very unlikely even though the English did bring over many diseases to America.

Theory #2. They were all killed by a horrible hurricane.
This is another theory that almost can't be true because even though there weren't any bodies, and the houses were destroyed, the fence they built around their town was still standing tall. A hurricane that destroys a small town should be able to destroy a fence.

Final theory. The Native Americans killed all of them.
This is the most likely theory of all of them because about 5 years ago the English tried to make a colony at Roanoke Island and made the Croatoans mad. So when the English made their second colony, the Native Americans probably just got angry with them too.

I hope that you learned something today and that I will see you next time. Orotomo is gone

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Springtime Event Story

Hay people I told you in about five minutes. Well I am going to give you a small page of a story I wrote.

 So I went to Gamestop and I spotted a very peculiar cage right in front of the store. There was a man next to it making sure nothing was going to happen. Since he was the only one around, I went and talked to him. "Hey, what's inside of the cage?" I ask him.
"The pokemon Zekrom. This happens every year at this time." And since I believe things like that I didn't argue.
Zekrom then looked at me with a very sad face, so when the people around his cage and the people around Reshiram's cage were distracted, I freed them both. On my way home they followed me/ And when I got to the door, Mom said...

                                         More shall be posted.

Lake Erie Facts

Hey everybody I am going to tell you 4 facts about Lake Erie. So here they are.

         1. Lake Erie is the shallowest of the Great Lakes.

         2. Lake Erie is the fourth of the Great Lakes.

         3. Four states and one Canadian province touch Lake Erie's borders.

         4. The Niagra River connects Lake Erie with Lake Ontario.

Well those were my facts people, I hope that you learned something today and I will see you in about 5 minutes.