Monday, March 14, 2011

Mrs.Firsby and the Rats of NIMH

             Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH is a good book in my opinion. So far I have read 9 out of the 27 chapters. Mrs. Frisby's Children are named Timothy, Martin, Teresa, and Cynthia.

First, Mrs. Frisby found a a tree stump filled with enough food to feed her and her family for the rest of the winter. So she brought back as much as she could carry by herself, and then went back to her cement
block house. Then, she woke up her children so they could eat corn for their breakfast. After that, Timothy caught pneumonia. So Mrs. Frisby went to see another mouse named Dr. Ages. When she got to him he told her that had Timothy gotten pneumonia. Dr. Ages then gave her some medicine for Timothy. So Mrs. Frisby raced back to her house. On her way there she found a crow named  Jeremy stuck to a fence. So she helped him out as quickly as she could so that the cat, Dragon, wouldn't see them.
When she got back to her house, Mrs. Frisby gave Timothy his medicine.

Now Moving Day was close. Mrs. Frisby didn't know what to do because Timothy still couldn't walk yet. So she asked Jeremy, the crow, for help. He said that he would bring Mrs. Frisby to a very wise owl so that she may ask him her question. So at dusk, Jeremy picked up Mrs. Frisby and flew to the owl. When she got there, she asked him how to solve her problem. He said that she should ask the rats that lived in the big rosebuch in Mr. Fittzgibbon's yard. Mr. Fittzgibbon is the person who owns the farm where Mrs. Frisby and her children live at. So she went there, and she found the biggest rat that she had ever seen guarding a very complex hole. That is as far as I have gotten in the book. I hope that you have enjoyed this post. I also hope that you will read this book someday as it is a good book to me. Farewell.

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