Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Springtime Event Story

Hay people I told you in about five minutes. Well I am going to give you a small page of a story I wrote.

 So I went to Gamestop and I spotted a very peculiar cage right in front of the store. There was a man next to it making sure nothing was going to happen. Since he was the only one around, I went and talked to him. "Hey, what's inside of the cage?" I ask him.
"The pokemon Zekrom. This happens every year at this time." And since I believe things like that I didn't argue.
Zekrom then looked at me with a very sad face, so when the people around his cage and the people around Reshiram's cage were distracted, I freed them both. On my way home they followed me/ And when I got to the door, Mom said...

                                         More shall be posted.

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