Monday, December 13, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 12. Sub Machine Guns

Hey to all of you watching this you might be able to advertise this on social networking sites, you know what I'm doing today so I hope that you enjoy.
        MP5K : This sub machine gun is the first that you automatically get when you start making classes. It's alright if you want to be someone that likes to go right up to them and shoot.

     Skorpion : This I just hate for dear life because it just sucks. It couldn't even hit the broad side of a barn if you were twelve feet away from it.

      MAC11 : This is one of my favorite SMG's of the game as was the MAC 10 on the game called Counter-Strike and is just beast on this game.

       AK74u : This is the SMG form of the AK47. It fires the same bullets as it but is just terrible and weaker.

              Uzi : You probably already know what this is. Very accurate in game.

       Spectre : This is one of my favorites too because it is very accurate and does a fair deal of damage if I do say myself.

           MPL : Like the MP5K but to me it is worse, and just like the Skorpion, it couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from twelve feet away.

          PM63 : Another one of my favorites because it is pretty much just like the Spectre especially with the folding stock attachment.

         Kiparis : This is the classified SMG but to me is alright. It is a Russian gun and is actually very, very accurate.

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