Monday, December 6, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 8. Heavy Machine Guns

This is Nate with Orotomoblog coming to you live as of December 6th, 2010 and i I am going to talk to you about the light machine guns in Call of Duty Black Ops.

                                                                      HK21 : This is the first HMG you get when you first start customizing your classes which is okay but I do not really recommend it.

                                                                        RPK : This is just pretty much your average HMG and can have a drum to hold ammunition.

                                                                        M60 : This is you air-craft destroyer right here which is great on a class with the Strella-3 ( an air-craft lock-on only rocket launcher) with the perks Flack Jacket, Hardened, and Hacker.

                                                                 Stoner63 : This is the classified heavy machine gun and is more of an assault rifle to me since it only has 30 rounds to a single clip and is easy to kill people with.


  1. Nate,

    I am thinking about buying this game...which I am excited about. What do you mean by 30 rounds to a single clip?

  2. Mr.Orlano rounds are bullets and a clip is like the ammunition,. or ammo, holster. The rounds to a clip are the bullets that you can shoot without before reloading.
