Monday, December 6, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 7. Shotguns

Hey, I'm back with more Call of Duty Black Ops weapon info, and as you can see in the title i will be talking about the shotguns in this game.

                                                       HS10(classified) : The classified shotgun on this game is the HS10 which only has one attachment which is the dual wield attachment. this gun is semi automatic and only has 4 shells to a clip. I don't really like this shotgun.

                                                       KS12 : This is only obtainable in the campaign and is a twelve gauge shotgun. There isn't much special about this gun.

                                                      Olympia : The Olympia is a gun with only 2 shells but is insanely fast if you have a fast trigger finger. This gun is great for camping right around corners.

                                                     SPAS 12 : Another twelve gauge shotgun which is also semi automatic and can be fast is you have a fast trigger finger. On campaign you can get incendiary, or fire rounds for it.

                                                     Stakeout : you get this gun before the SPAS 12 but it is better all the way! The stats are even higher in everything except for range by just a little bit. Personally my favorite shotgun.


  1. Nate,

    When would you use a shot gun over a regular machine gun?

  2. At close range mainly, but that depends on what mahcine gun we are talking about.
