Thursday, April 7, 2011

Report on Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

Hey everybody, I finished the book called Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH yesterday, and today I will be posting about it.
                                                                         Long  Summary

Mrs. Frisby's son, Timothy, got pneumonia one day. Mrs. Frisby went to see Mr. Ages, another mouse that was a doctor. Mr. Ages gave Mrs. Frisby some medicine to give Timothy. Mrs. Frisby gave Timothy the medicine, but Timothy still couldn't do much. Mrs. Frisby saved a crow named Jeremy that helped took her to a very wise owl so she could ask him what to do about Timothy, as he would be killed by a Mr. Fittsgibbon's (Farmer) plow when it came to plow the field. The owl told her to ask the Rats of NIMH if they could move her house. Mrs. Frisby went to the rats and was denied entrance to their colony because she was a stranger to them. Mr. Ages helped her get in as he was friends with the rats. Mrs. Frisby met Nicodemus, the leader of the rat colony. Nicodemus told Mrs. Frisby the rat's background story, and also told her how Mr. Firsby, Mrs. Frisby's husband, died. Nicodemus said that they would move her house if she could put sleeping powder into Dragon's food bowl. Dragon is the Fittsgibbon's fierce cat. Mrs. Frisby put the sleeping powder in Dragon's food bowl, and then got caught by the Fittsgibbon's youngest son, Billy. Justin, on of the rats from NIMH got her out of the bird cage that she was put in. Mrs. Frisby's house was moved behind a big stone in the Fittsgibbon's field, so it wouldn't get hit by the plow when it came by. The rats moved from their original home to Thorn Valley because of a plan that the rats had.

                                                         The Rats of NIMH's Plan

                   The Plan was to stop stealing from other people. So what they did was they took some seeds and food that would last them feed them for eighteen months from Mr. Fittsgibbon. So they then moved to Thorn Valley and planted their own crops. That was the Rats on NIMH's Plan.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorite stories! You gave a great summary of the book but you didn't say if you liked it or not. Is it a book you would recommend to others to read?
