Friday, April 29, 2011

Bartimaeus Nathaniel Post One

Hey everybody, today I will be talking about Nathaniel's role in my book since I last posted.

Since i last left off, Nathaniel got his official name, John Mandrake. Three days later, he went to a conference at Parliament and saw a kid with an elemental sphere (Elemental Sphere: A sphere of magical power that contains all four elements, earth, water, fire, and wind.) that exploded and damaged some, but not many people. He tried to summon Bartimaeus, but he was captured and was in the tower of London, where many demons are stored to be interrogated. He was caught spying on his master and was going to be punished until Simon Lovelace showed up. Bartimaeus came back at the same time that Simon showed up. Simon then found the Amulet of Samarkand in Underwood's study and burned the house to the ground. Nathaniel got out alive with Bartimaeus and currently are in a library.

Well, that is Nathaniel's part in the story so far. I hope you enjoyed this post and that you will read the book someday, farewell.

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