Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Halo 3 Covenant Info

This game, Halo, is a game that most of you have probably heard of already. If you have, then you should know that this game is one of the bests. Your weapon arsenal of weapons ranges from your average pistol to giant lasers and plasma tanks. These tanks are called wraiths if you were wondering. A quick two to three rockets from a rocket launcher. If you like trucks with turrets or gauss turret, then you will like the Warthog. A gauss turret fires explosives. I could talk about the mechanics of a gauss turret, but that is a post for another time. The normal weapons that any elites have in campaign is The Energy Sword. Brutes would have Brute Shots and sometimes gravity hammers. Grunts will have Plasma Pistols and Needlers with a lot of plasma grenades. Jackals usually will have Carbines and Beam Rifles (plasma sniper rifles). Hunters are actually thousand, maybe even millions of tiny orange aliens put into one blue shell of armour. These beasts have a giant cannon that fires a ray of green plasma (much like an upgraded version of the Fuel Rod Cannon, a plasma single shot rocket launcher). These, things, also have a giant shield on their left arm that they use to block bullets, grenade, etc, from itself, and it uses it to smash anything out of its way, including you! That is my thing so good bye.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies Mode Only Weapons + Pack-a-Punch

Hey everybody I forgot to do two posts on Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies mode, so here one of them is!

                  Ray Gun : This gun fires green rays, but when pack-a-punched it fires red rays and has 40 lasers per clip, and 200 set aside. Always a one hit one kill.

              Freeze Gun : I haven't been lucky enough to get this yet but I am guessing that it freezes zombies.

           Thunder Gun : This gun can also be obtained on the level of campaign called Numbers and it fires giant blast of air force to hit your enemies. Quite fun if you are really looking at what you hit.

        Monkey Bomb : This Grenade makes a noise that attracts zombies and then explodes because it has dynamite strapped to it's back. My brother's friend Cole uses them to attract zombies and then throws all four of his normal frag grenades to kill all of the zombies near it.

            Bowie Knife : This knife add-on increases the damage that your knife does to zombies. This knife is hard to get because it costs three thousand points!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Exotic Animals 3. Geckos

Just for your information this post is entirely found without looking it up and is all from my knowledge. This post is about geckos as you can see in the title. I am going to tell you my favorite fact about the gecko right off the bat. It is that if a gecko is being chased by a predator it gets scared (obviously) and it drops it's own tail! Then the predator would be distracted by the dropped tail just long enough for the gecko to escape. Afterwards the gecko's tail will never grow back the same but it will come back very slowly, it may even be a different color! Well anyways, another fact about geckos is that their spines are very flexible, so they can slip their way under almost anything that you have in your house. This makes it easy for you to lose it. One story was about a kid who loved reptiles. He got his gecko which was now his favorite pet as he loved it more than all of his other reptiles. One day he lost it because it got through a very little crack between the wall and the cupboard in the bathroom. Seven months later they had their bathroom redone. They had a plumber come in to look at everything first and he asked the family "Have you ever had a pet gecko?" They said yes but they asked if it was a dead one. The plumber said no it was still pretty healthy. This was because geckos can store fat in their tail and then they can feed themselves with that. Well that is my post and I hope that you enjoy this.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Exotic Animals 2. Capybara

Hey I am back with my new exotic animals series of posts, and today I will be talking about the capybara which can is like a 150 pound guinea pig. Some of the characteristics are different, like it's size, face, and quite a bit more. Above this typing there will be a clear picture of one of them. Well anyways they are giant and I mean giant. They can get up to about one and a half foot tall at the tallest, and can get up to half a foot wide, then from the nose to the tail they can get up to about two feet long. These giant rodents can be found in South America. If you look on Youtube there is a video of a capybara fighting and beating an anaconda.

Two Haiku's

These are two haiku's that I came up with.

    Hunters are walking
    Shotguns pointed at pheasants
    Others are running

    Surrounded by stars
    I am illuminated
    Millions of lights

I hope that you like
These haiku poems that I wrote
So you will come back

Wow that was a fail, well anyways come back to my blog when you can and I will see you next time, farewell.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Exotic Animals 1. Ferrets

I have been wanting this little guy for many years because they are like miniature dogs, except they are rodents! I would know because I have seen them before. About two week ago a ferret as stolen from Earl May down by Walmart. But people found out because the "ferret napper" had a friend that said that he found her pet ferret because it went missing. That just tells you that she would have been a bad owner for that ferret. Well enough about articles in the newspaper, you should know about them. They can compete in agility tournaments that are usually held at parks, that are mainly made up of 3 challenges. The challenges are The Dirt Dig, which is where your ferret gets set on a bucket full of dirt and you see how far it can dig in the time provided,  The Tube Run, which is where you see how long it takes for your ferret to run through a really long tube, and I forget what the third one is  but if I remember then I will edit and change this.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 12. Sub Machine Guns

Hey to all of you watching this you might be able to advertise this on social networking sites, you know what I'm doing today so I hope that you enjoy.
        MP5K : This sub machine gun is the first that you automatically get when you start making classes. It's alright if you want to be someone that likes to go right up to them and shoot.

     Skorpion : This I just hate for dear life because it just sucks. It couldn't even hit the broad side of a barn if you were twelve feet away from it.

      MAC11 : This is one of my favorite SMG's of the game as was the MAC 10 on the game called Counter-Strike and is just beast on this game.

       AK74u : This is the SMG form of the AK47. It fires the same bullets as it but is just terrible and weaker.

              Uzi : You probably already know what this is. Very accurate in game.

       Spectre : This is one of my favorites too because it is very accurate and does a fair deal of damage if I do say myself.

           MPL : Like the MP5K but to me it is worse, and just like the Skorpion, it couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from twelve feet away.

          PM63 : Another one of my favorites because it is pretty much just like the Spectre especially with the folding stock attachment.

         Kiparis : This is the classified SMG but to me is alright. It is a Russian gun and is actually very, very accurate.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 11. Launchers + The Ballistic Knife

Hey this Nate on Orotomoblog and I am going to talk about the explosive launchers and the ballistic knife today, and I hope that you enjoy this post.

             Ballistic Knife : This Weapon is actually two knives, one on each of your hands. It makes your normal knife quite a lot faster, and it also makes it so you can shoot out a knife from the one in your right hand.

                        M72 LAW : This rocket launcher can lock on to aircraft but can also free fire.

                               RPG : this is a rocket launcher that's name stands for rocket propelled grenade. This RPG can only free fire.

                        Strela-3 : This is a rocket launcher the can only lock on to fire, and has 2 rockets at a time.

                       China Lake : This is a pump-action grenade launcher that is really horrible if you ask me.

                  M202A1 (Grim Reaper) : This rocket launcher can only be obtained from a care package and has five rockets per clip. If you use it once or more and then you die, you lose it until you get lucky enough for another one.

                            Valkyrie Rockets : These are obtained by care package only also. This gun fires player controlled missiles. Like the Grim Reaper once you use it you cannot get it again once you die. This has it's own special care package that you need 7 kills to get unless you have the Hardline or Hardline pro perks making it so you only need 6 kills to get it.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 10. Pistols

Hey it's me again and today we are going to talk about secondary weapons today.

                  Pistols :

                           ASP : This is the worst pistol that you can get as it only has 7 rounds to a clip and has low stats in everything.

                       M1911 : A little bit better the the ASP but still pretty bad.

                    Makarov : This is the best starting pistol in every stat for the custom classes, but when you get the Python, it's better to stay away from this pistol.

                       Python : This is a Revolver and has 6 rounds to a clip and is the only revolver in the game making it a very unique pistol.

                         CZ75 : This is the classified pistol and is very special itself as it has a fully-automatic pistol.

              Pistol Attachments : Snub Nose : Python only, increases accuracy but lowers range.

                                             ACOG : Python only, just a scope for it.

                                           Speed Reloader : Python only, faster reloading time.

                                           Upgraded Iron Sight : A better sight for your gun, for every gun except the Python.
                                                           Surpressor : This lowers the sound of the gun, everything except for the Python.
                                                           Dual wield : Lets you have two pistols at the same time, for the Makarov, Python, and the CZ75.
                                                           Fully-auto : This attachment explains itself just in the name of it, only for the CZ75.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 9. Assault Rifles

Hey the assault rifles here are all pretty good, and my personal favorite would probably be the M14, enjoy.

                                       M16 : This gun fires 3 rounds at a time which is really good because it can easily kill people. The U.S. military still uses these today and they use them a lot.

                                   Enfield : this is the second assault rifle that you get and is alright when you buy an ACOG scope or reflex sight which is just like a red dot sight and extended mags, which increases your ammunition per clip.

                                        M14 : This is my favorite Assault rifle even though it is semi-automatic but with an ACOG and dual mags which makes every other reload that you do faster. You can double tap, or hit the trigger really fast and make it go as fast as your hand can go. This gun is a lot like a really fast sniper rifle with less power.

                                     Famas : Unlike in COD Modern Warfare 2 this gun is fully automatic and is just great if you are an active assaulter, or someone who likes to run out and find people instead of waiting for them.

                                       Galil : This gun is more of a light machine gun to me even though it only has 30 rounds to a clip. This gun is just excellent when you have the perk Hardened which increases you bullet damage and impact.

                                       AUG : This is a gun that is best to me with the flamethrower under-mount attachment so that I can be another front assaulter on my team.

                                    FN FAL : This gun is just like the M14 but with better stats but there is something that is just missing and I don't know what. But it just doesn't really help me as much as the M14.

                                        AK47 : You've heard of this gun before and you should of because it is the most used assault rifle, heck gun period that terrorists use today which was developed in the year of I believe 1954.

                                Commando : This is the last gun you can buy before you unlock the G11 and isn't all that good to me. But a lot of people, including Reed Jensen, love this gun.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 8. Heavy Machine Guns

This is Nate with Orotomoblog coming to you live as of December 6th, 2010 and i I am going to talk to you about the light machine guns in Call of Duty Black Ops.

                                                                      HK21 : This is the first HMG you get when you first start customizing your classes which is okay but I do not really recommend it.

                                                                        RPK : This is just pretty much your average HMG and can have a drum to hold ammunition.

                                                                        M60 : This is you air-craft destroyer right here which is great on a class with the Strella-3 ( an air-craft lock-on only rocket launcher) with the perks Flack Jacket, Hardened, and Hacker.

                                                                 Stoner63 : This is the classified heavy machine gun and is more of an assault rifle to me since it only has 30 rounds to a single clip and is easy to kill people with.

Call of Duty Black Ops 7. Shotguns

Hey, I'm back with more Call of Duty Black Ops weapon info, and as you can see in the title i will be talking about the shotguns in this game.

                                                       HS10(classified) : The classified shotgun on this game is the HS10 which only has one attachment which is the dual wield attachment. this gun is semi automatic and only has 4 shells to a clip. I don't really like this shotgun.

                                                       KS12 : This is only obtainable in the campaign and is a twelve gauge shotgun. There isn't much special about this gun.

                                                      Olympia : The Olympia is a gun with only 2 shells but is insanely fast if you have a fast trigger finger. This gun is great for camping right around corners.

                                                     SPAS 12 : Another twelve gauge shotgun which is also semi automatic and can be fast is you have a fast trigger finger. On campaign you can get incendiary, or fire rounds for it.

                                                     Stakeout : you get this gun before the SPAS 12 but it is better all the way! The stats are even higher in everything except for range by just a little bit. Personally my favorite shotgun.

Call of Duty Black Ops 6. Sniper Rifles + G11

Today I will be doing sniper rifles and the G11 which is the classified assault rifle.

                                   Dragunov : This is the first sniper rifle that you get when you start making your own classes. It is semi-automatic.
                                      Wa2000 : This is also known as the "Box Sniper" It is semi automatic.

                                        L96A1 : This is a Bolt-action one shot on kill sniper.

                                          PSG1 : You have seen this one on it's own separate post.

                                             G11 : This is the classified assault rifle and has a three round burst for when it fires. It also reloads from the barrel and is great for killing anyone as it has only two attachments which are the low power scope and the variable zoom sniper scope.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 5. Equipment

 Again Call of Duty Black Ops. Weapon information number 5. Equipment.

                                            Claymore : One of the sniper's best friends. It explodes when someone besides you or your teammates step on it. So if someone tries to sneak up on you they will go boom!

                                           Motion Sensor :This pretty much speaks for itself with it's name when someone walk on the same floor the above floor and the lower floor they will be seen on your radar.

                                           Camera Spike : This is a portable camera that you can be switched with your radar in the upper left hand corner, by hitting up on the D-Pad.

                                                             C4 : C4 is a remote controlled plastic grenade that is awesome for camping hallways.

                                       Tactical Insertion : This equipment is used for respawning where you want to. enemies can crush it to destroy it.

                                                      Jammer : this equipment makes you enemies radar messed up when they are in the radius of it.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 4. Lethal Grenades

Hi, I'm back with more Call of Duty Black Ops information on weapons and right now I am going to do another set of weapons, the lethal grenades. All lethal grenades cost 2000 COD Points

                                                Tomahawk : The tomahawk is a throwing axe which is just like the throwing knife except it doesn't stick to walls. It does stick to bodies though and is an instant death if you are hit by it.

                                                           Frag : This is just your usual explosive grenade that bounces.

                                                      Semtex : This is just like the Frag grenade except it has a smaller explosive radius, or area of affect, and sticks to people. If people are in a group you can stick one person with it and get everyone near him/her. This grenade is great for  large groups.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 3. Tactical Grenades

Hey I'm back with another set of weapon. Yes, I know that I usually do only one weapon at a time but since these don't need much explaining, I am just going to put them all in one post.

Here is the list of Tactical grenades :  Nova Gas :
 This Grenade contains a gas called "Nova 6" created by the Soviet Union but isn't all that useful if your going for a front attack because it is more of a silent weapon. This ins't a very good grenade if the opponent is using the perk called "Tactical Mask"
                                                        Willy Pete : The Willy Pete Grenade is just a smoke grenade which is great if you are assaulting a base on the game type "Headquarters" where you need to infiltrate an uncontrolled base and then guard it from opposing forces. This grenade along with the other ones is not very good when the opponent is using the perk called "Tactical Mask PRO" also causes minimum damage.

                                                         Flash Bang : This grenade Blinds people and makes a ringing sound come in their ears.
                                                         Concussion : This grenade disorients and blurrs the vision of anyone who is in it's radius or area of affect. Disorients =  to cause to lose the sense of time, place, or identity, confuses.

                                                          Decoy : This tactical grenade shows a red dot on the enemy's radar meaning that it pops up as an enemy on your enemy's radar so they will probably come towards it and you can stay near by and once they get near, you can get them. It also makes a Shooting sound. Tactical Mask Pro and normal do not affect this.

All Tactical Grenades cost 1500 COD Points.

Call of Duty Black Ops 2. PSG1

Hey everybody this time on orotomoblog we will be talking about the PSG1 today which is my favorite sniper rifle. So you want to know about the PSG1 don't you? Well then I will tell you that it is the classified sniper rifle on Call of Duty Black Ops. As you will see in the picture up above it is black with an orangey handle, as it is in the game. The PSG1 is just an awesome sniper rifle all the way round and I hope that at level 27 when you get 2000 COD Points you will buy this even if you aren't a sniper. My next post will sort of be a surprise you never know what it will be.

Call of Duty Black Ops 1. Crossbow

Hey this is my first blog about COD Black Ops and today we are going to talk about the crossbow, which you obtain for 2000 COD Points at Rank 33. It has normal arrows (in the campaign which are pretty sweet because they are silent) and a scope with a variable zoom (also in the campaign only) and in multi-player has explosive arrows which are great for getting campers which are people who stay in one place that usually use a sniper rifle. You can also stick it into people and then make that exact person explode.I hope you enjoy this post I will see you again after school with information about the PSG1, later.

PS. It usually works great with a sniper rifle.