Thursday, December 2, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 4. Lethal Grenades

Hi, I'm back with more Call of Duty Black Ops information on weapons and right now I am going to do another set of weapons, the lethal grenades. All lethal grenades cost 2000 COD Points

                                                Tomahawk : The tomahawk is a throwing axe which is just like the throwing knife except it doesn't stick to walls. It does stick to bodies though and is an instant death if you are hit by it.

                                                           Frag : This is just your usual explosive grenade that bounces.

                                                      Semtex : This is just like the Frag grenade except it has a smaller explosive radius, or area of affect, and sticks to people. If people are in a group you can stick one person with it and get everyone near him/her. This grenade is great for  large groups.

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