Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Exotic Animals 1. Ferrets

I have been wanting this little guy for many years because they are like miniature dogs, except they are rodents! I would know because I have seen them before. About two week ago a ferret as stolen from Earl May down by Walmart. But people found out because the "ferret napper" had a friend that said that he found her pet ferret because it went missing. That just tells you that she would have been a bad owner for that ferret. Well enough about articles in the newspaper, you should know about them. They can compete in agility tournaments that are usually held at parks, that are mainly made up of 3 challenges. The challenges are The Dirt Dig, which is where your ferret gets set on a bucket full of dirt and you see how far it can dig in the time provided,  The Tube Run, which is where you see how long it takes for your ferret to run through a really long tube, and I forget what the third one is  but if I remember then I will edit and change this.


  1. Hey Nate, can ferrets be harmful? Can you see them at a zoo?

  2. Kayd, I think that you can see them at some zoo. Also, they can be harmful.
