Friday, December 3, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 5. Equipment

 Again Call of Duty Black Ops. Weapon information number 5. Equipment.

                                            Claymore : One of the sniper's best friends. It explodes when someone besides you or your teammates step on it. So if someone tries to sneak up on you they will go boom!

                                           Motion Sensor :This pretty much speaks for itself with it's name when someone walk on the same floor the above floor and the lower floor they will be seen on your radar.

                                           Camera Spike : This is a portable camera that you can be switched with your radar in the upper left hand corner, by hitting up on the D-Pad.

                                                             C4 : C4 is a remote controlled plastic grenade that is awesome for camping hallways.

                                       Tactical Insertion : This equipment is used for respawning where you want to. enemies can crush it to destroy it.

                                                      Jammer : this equipment makes you enemies radar messed up when they are in the radius of it.

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