Monday, December 20, 2010

Exotic Animals 3. Geckos

Just for your information this post is entirely found without looking it up and is all from my knowledge. This post is about geckos as you can see in the title. I am going to tell you my favorite fact about the gecko right off the bat. It is that if a gecko is being chased by a predator it gets scared (obviously) and it drops it's own tail! Then the predator would be distracted by the dropped tail just long enough for the gecko to escape. Afterwards the gecko's tail will never grow back the same but it will come back very slowly, it may even be a different color! Well anyways, another fact about geckos is that their spines are very flexible, so they can slip their way under almost anything that you have in your house. This makes it easy for you to lose it. One story was about a kid who loved reptiles. He got his gecko which was now his favorite pet as he loved it more than all of his other reptiles. One day he lost it because it got through a very little crack between the wall and the cupboard in the bathroom. Seven months later they had their bathroom redone. They had a plumber come in to look at everything first and he asked the family "Have you ever had a pet gecko?" They said yes but they asked if it was a dead one. The plumber said no it was still pretty healthy. This was because geckos can store fat in their tail and then they can feed themselves with that. Well that is my post and I hope that you enjoy this.

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