Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 3. Tactical Grenades

Hey I'm back with another set of weapon. Yes, I know that I usually do only one weapon at a time but since these don't need much explaining, I am just going to put them all in one post.

Here is the list of Tactical grenades :  Nova Gas :
 This Grenade contains a gas called "Nova 6" created by the Soviet Union but isn't all that useful if your going for a front attack because it is more of a silent weapon. This ins't a very good grenade if the opponent is using the perk called "Tactical Mask"
                                                        Willy Pete : The Willy Pete Grenade is just a smoke grenade which is great if you are assaulting a base on the game type "Headquarters" where you need to infiltrate an uncontrolled base and then guard it from opposing forces. This grenade along with the other ones is not very good when the opponent is using the perk called "Tactical Mask PRO" also causes minimum damage.

                                                         Flash Bang : This grenade Blinds people and makes a ringing sound come in their ears.
                                                         Concussion : This grenade disorients and blurrs the vision of anyone who is in it's radius or area of affect. Disorients =  to cause to lose the sense of time, place, or identity, confuses.

                                                          Decoy : This tactical grenade shows a red dot on the enemy's radar meaning that it pops up as an enemy on your enemy's radar so they will probably come towards it and you can stay near by and once they get near, you can get them. It also makes a Shooting sound. Tactical Mask Pro and normal do not affect this.

All Tactical Grenades cost 1500 COD Points.

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