Friday, December 10, 2010

Call of Duty Black Ops 11. Launchers + The Ballistic Knife

Hey this Nate on Orotomoblog and I am going to talk about the explosive launchers and the ballistic knife today, and I hope that you enjoy this post.

             Ballistic Knife : This Weapon is actually two knives, one on each of your hands. It makes your normal knife quite a lot faster, and it also makes it so you can shoot out a knife from the one in your right hand.

                        M72 LAW : This rocket launcher can lock on to aircraft but can also free fire.

                               RPG : this is a rocket launcher that's name stands for rocket propelled grenade. This RPG can only free fire.

                        Strela-3 : This is a rocket launcher the can only lock on to fire, and has 2 rockets at a time.

                       China Lake : This is a pump-action grenade launcher that is really horrible if you ask me.

                  M202A1 (Grim Reaper) : This rocket launcher can only be obtained from a care package and has five rockets per clip. If you use it once or more and then you die, you lose it until you get lucky enough for another one.

                            Valkyrie Rockets : These are obtained by care package only also. This gun fires player controlled missiles. Like the Grim Reaper once you use it you cannot get it again once you die. This has it's own special care package that you need 7 kills to get unless you have the Hardline or Hardline pro perks making it so you only need 6 kills to get it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog Nate but doesent the Grim Reaper only have 4 rockets?
