Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Hey Everybody, I'm Back!

Hi everybody it's Nate and I am posting to tell you that I am back and ready to blog! I'm sorry, but after I finished my website I just kind of had a whole lot more going on, and didn't have time to blog. But now I have more time than ever so I think that you will be hear about this a lot more. Oh, and if you check my blog in December, then you might see pictures of a hamster that I will be getting around that time. My websites URL is here at: I am also creating a website on a different site creator called Angelfire, and it will be about small animals. Like Ferrets (which are my personal favorite), hamsters, rabbits, and chinchillas. I will also be creating a forum for fans of my websites and/or my blog. Thank you for your time in viewing this post

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


If you are wondering, I have not been posting anything in a while because I have made a website. You will find it at I hope that you will visit it sometime. Thank you for your attention.

Please leave a comment on what you think I should blog about next!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Quick Facts About the Rocky Mountains

Hey everybody, today I will be talking about the Rocky Mountains. I actually had a choice to talk about Osama bin Laden's death or the Rocky Mountains. I chose the Rocky Mountains because most of my viewers probably wouldn't agree with my opinions. Also, don't get me wrong, his death was a good thing.

The Rocky Mountains extend over 3,000 miles of land from New Mexico to Canada and even into Alaska.

The Rocky Mountains form the Continental Divide, separating waters from the Atlantic and Arctic oceans from the Pacific Ocean.

The highest peak of the Rocky Mountains, Mt. Elbert, is in Colorado and is 14,431 ft high.

The Rockies are usually divided into five sections, the Southern Rockies, Middle Rockies, Northern Rockies, the Rocky Mountain system of Canada, and Brooks Range in Alaska.

The Wyoming Basin is sometimes considered a sixth section.

Well, there you go, here are five facts for you

Friday, April 29, 2011

Bartimaeus Nathaniel Post One

Hey everybody, today I will be talking about Nathaniel's role in my book since I last posted.

Since i last left off, Nathaniel got his official name, John Mandrake. Three days later, he went to a conference at Parliament and saw a kid with an elemental sphere (Elemental Sphere: A sphere of magical power that contains all four elements, earth, water, fire, and wind.) that exploded and damaged some, but not many people. He tried to summon Bartimaeus, but he was captured and was in the tower of London, where many demons are stored to be interrogated. He was caught spying on his master and was going to be punished until Simon Lovelace showed up. Bartimaeus came back at the same time that Simon showed up. Simon then found the Amulet of Samarkand in Underwood's study and burned the house to the ground. Nathaniel got out alive with Bartimaeus and currently are in a library.

Well, that is Nathaniel's part in the story so far. I hope you enjoyed this post and that you will read the book someday, farewell.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bartimaeus: The Amulet of Samarkand Part Three

Hey everybody, today I will be blogging on Bartimaeus again. I have read more of Nathaniel's story and more of Nathaniel's story. Here is the summary of Nathaniel's part that I read.

                            The next chapter I will tell you about tells about the time when Simon Lovelace first met Nathaniel. Nathaniel was outside in the garden with Ms. Lutyens, his art teacher, when Mrs. Underwood came bursting out of the door telling him that Mr. Underwood wants to show him to other magicians. So Nathaniel ran through the house and walked through the door to Mr. Underwood. Mr. Underwood showed him to an old person that didn't say his name, a very clammy person that didn't say his name, and Simon Lovelace. Lovelace asked Nathaniel some questions which he answered correctly, which led to Simon calling him stupid. Nathaniel called him a sore loser, so Simon shouted a command and Nathaniel was being held back by demons under Simon's control. Nathaniel ran out of the room once Simon let go of him. He went up the stairs and into Underwood's study. He grabbed a glass box filled with demon mites and a hammer. He said Simon's name, smashed the box open, and the mites attacked Simon, the clammy man, and the old person. Once that happened, he ran into the schoolroom where Ms. Lutyens was waiting. Then, Simon opened the door and summoned his imp. The imp picked up Nathaniel and beat him until he was unconscious.

In the next chapter it tells about what Nathaniel did after that, which I will tell you in 2-3 sentences.

Nathaniel summoned and captured an imp which he uses to spy on people. He then used his imp to spy on Lovelace. He found out how he is going to get Simon back, by summoning Bartimaeus and stealing the Amulet of Samarkand.

I haven't read much on Bartimaeus so you can read about that in my next post, farewell.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bartimaeus Post 2

Hey everybody, today I will be posting the second blog post for Bartimaeus. All that I have read since my last post is more things about Nathaniel. I have read about Nathaniel's teachers and what they teach him. He has three teachers, one for his basic learning skills like geometry, other languages, math, and all of those other kills that we would learn in school. Then he had a teacher for drawing and a teacher for music. Both of which are useful to a magician. They need music to all or calm down certain types of demons. Drawing can be used for a number of things, like summoning, certain types of spells, and a lot of other things.

I hope that you have enjoyed this post and that you will read the book yourself someday, farewell.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bartimaeus: The Amulet of Samarkand

Hey everybody, today I will be talking about the book called Bartimaeus: The Amulet of Samarkand.

The setting takes place in London, England. Bartimaeus is a magical being called a djinn, and there are more djinni then just him. So far I have read chapters 1-8 of the book. What's interesting about this book is that it switches between the characters Bartimaeus and Nathaniel throughout the chapters. So far Bartimaeus's storyline has been this.

             Bartimaeus was summoned by Nathaniel and was told to steal the magical artifact called The Amulet of Samarkand from Simon Lovelace, a very well-known magician, and bring it to Nathaniel. Bartimaeus snuck into Lovelace's mansion and stole the amulet. But as he tried to get out, he ran into two other djinni, Jabor and Farqual, that were summoned by Simon Lovelace. When he got out, Bartimaeus changed into a bird and flew away from the mansion. Then, he got tired and changed into the form of a boy and hid among the crowd. After that, these kids started chasing after Bartimaeus until finally he shook them off, or so he thought. Bartimaeus then almost went to sleep in an alleyway, until the kids that were chasing after him caught him. Bartimaeus changed into an alligator and got them away from him. Then, he changed into a fox and hid in a trash can until the night police showed up and took away the kids.

This has been Nathaniel's story so far.

           Nathaniel's first chapters tells about an experience with demons when he was only six years old. His master, Arther Underwood told him to go into his study and put on some glasses that were in a metal box. So, he went down into his study and then pencils started flying out of a cup on his master's desk. This scared him so he instantly found the glasses and put them on. He saw a lot of small demons standing still until the noticed that he had the glasses on. Then, they tackled him. The next chapters of Nataniel's story tell about how he came to Underwood. His parents saw an advertisement somewhere that said if you give in your child to a magician to become their apprentice, they will pay you. So Nathaniel's parents dropped him off, got their money, and left. Nathaniel was told to forget about his past and his name. Nathaniel's master's wife, Martha, told him that he could share his name with her. At the point where I stopped reading, Martha was being very kind to Nathaniel, and Underwood didn't like that.

That's is the story so far, I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you will read the book sometime, farewell.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Report on Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

Hey everybody, I finished the book called Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH yesterday, and today I will be posting about it.
                                                                         Long  Summary

Mrs. Frisby's son, Timothy, got pneumonia one day. Mrs. Frisby went to see Mr. Ages, another mouse that was a doctor. Mr. Ages gave Mrs. Frisby some medicine to give Timothy. Mrs. Frisby gave Timothy the medicine, but Timothy still couldn't do much. Mrs. Frisby saved a crow named Jeremy that helped took her to a very wise owl so she could ask him what to do about Timothy, as he would be killed by a Mr. Fittsgibbon's (Farmer) plow when it came to plow the field. The owl told her to ask the Rats of NIMH if they could move her house. Mrs. Frisby went to the rats and was denied entrance to their colony because she was a stranger to them. Mr. Ages helped her get in as he was friends with the rats. Mrs. Frisby met Nicodemus, the leader of the rat colony. Nicodemus told Mrs. Frisby the rat's background story, and also told her how Mr. Firsby, Mrs. Frisby's husband, died. Nicodemus said that they would move her house if she could put sleeping powder into Dragon's food bowl. Dragon is the Fittsgibbon's fierce cat. Mrs. Frisby put the sleeping powder in Dragon's food bowl, and then got caught by the Fittsgibbon's youngest son, Billy. Justin, on of the rats from NIMH got her out of the bird cage that she was put in. Mrs. Frisby's house was moved behind a big stone in the Fittsgibbon's field, so it wouldn't get hit by the plow when it came by. The rats moved from their original home to Thorn Valley because of a plan that the rats had.

                                                         The Rats of NIMH's Plan

                   The Plan was to stop stealing from other people. So what they did was they took some seeds and food that would last them feed them for eighteen months from Mr. Fittsgibbon. So they then moved to Thorn Valley and planted their own crops. That was the Rats on NIMH's Plan.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Addax Antelope

Hey everybody, today I will be talking about the addax.

The addax is an endangered species of antelope. There are less than 1,000 addax left in the wild. The addax are desert creatures that travel at night in search of vegetation. They don't need very much water, the only water they get is a few drops from plants. Its average length is 5 ft. long, and its average shoulder height is about 3 ft. high. There are more than 1,000 addax in captivity, and about 600 addax have been born in captive breeding programs. Doesn't that surprise you though? The fact that there are more addax antelope in captivity than there are in the wild! Well, I should probably let you get back to whatever you were doing. I'll see you next time.

If you want to see a live addax antelope then go to this website :

Friday, March 25, 2011


Hey everybody, today I will be talking about gold. Gold is a very valuable metal that was originally worthless. In this post I will tell you a little bit about gold.

Here are six facts about gold.

     Gold's chemical symbol is Au, which comes from the Latin word for gold, aurum.

     Gold has been found on every continent on Earth.

     Gold is so pliable that it can be made into sewing thread.

     Gold can conduct heat and electricity.

     Gold can never rust.

     Gold is edible.

Here is some information on that last fact just in case you were confused.

 Some Asian countries actually put gold in tea, coffee, fruit and jelly snacks. Ever since the 1500's, Europeans have been putting gold leaf in liquors. Some African American tribes actually thought that eating gold could make you levitate, or float in mid-air.

I actually own a little bit of real gold, I got it from panning for gold when I went to South Dakota.

Here are some True or False questions that I would like you to answer in your comments.

1. People used to think that gold could make you float.

2. Gold can easily rust.

3. Gold radiates heat.

4. Gold was only found in the continents of North American, South America, Asia, and Europe.

5. Gold's chemical symbol comes from an American term.

Please answer these true or false questions in a comment. On the last day of April in 2011, I will tell you the answers to these questions.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Canadian Pacer Horse Part One

This breed of horse comes from a cross between the Canadian Horse and the Narragansett Pacer. The Canadian and Narragansett horses were sent to this land in the 1600's, but the breeds were crossed in the late 1700's and the early 1800's. The French brought the two horses that made the Canadian Pacer. The Canadian Pacer was quite tall as it is about 14.3 adult human hands tall. I actually rode on a Canadian Pacer when I went on vacation with my family to South Dakota. I will tell you more on part two of these posts. I hope that you learned something today and enjoyed this post. I bid you farewell.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mrs.Firsby and the Rats of NIMH

             Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH is a good book in my opinion. So far I have read 9 out of the 27 chapters. Mrs. Frisby's Children are named Timothy, Martin, Teresa, and Cynthia.

First, Mrs. Frisby found a a tree stump filled with enough food to feed her and her family for the rest of the winter. So she brought back as much as she could carry by herself, and then went back to her cement
block house. Then, she woke up her children so they could eat corn for their breakfast. After that, Timothy caught pneumonia. So Mrs. Frisby went to see another mouse named Dr. Ages. When she got to him he told her that had Timothy gotten pneumonia. Dr. Ages then gave her some medicine for Timothy. So Mrs. Frisby raced back to her house. On her way there she found a crow named  Jeremy stuck to a fence. So she helped him out as quickly as she could so that the cat, Dragon, wouldn't see them.
When she got back to her house, Mrs. Frisby gave Timothy his medicine.

Now Moving Day was close. Mrs. Frisby didn't know what to do because Timothy still couldn't walk yet. So she asked Jeremy, the crow, for help. He said that he would bring Mrs. Frisby to a very wise owl so that she may ask him her question. So at dusk, Jeremy picked up Mrs. Frisby and flew to the owl. When she got there, she asked him how to solve her problem. He said that she should ask the rats that lived in the big rosebuch in Mr. Fittzgibbon's yard. Mr. Fittzgibbon is the person who owns the farm where Mrs. Frisby and her children live at. So she went there, and she found the biggest rat that she had ever seen guarding a very complex hole. That is as far as I have gotten in the book. I hope that you have enjoyed this post. I also hope that you will read this book someday as it is a good book to me. Farewell.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Lost Colony of Roanoke Island

Hey everybody, today I will be blogging about The Lost Colony. Everybody knows why this colony got the name "The Lost Colony". But nobody knows why or how they got lost. There are some theories that I will share with you later.

The Story

The English sent a hundred some people to North America. They then established a colony at Roanoke Island. Then the people complained that there weren't enough things to go around. So the governor, John White, set sail back to England to get some more supplies. He didn't get back for another three years! And when he did come back, everyone was gone. All that he found was the word "CROATOAN" carved into a tree. Croatoan was the name of a nearby Native American village, and he feared the worst.


Theory #1. They were all killed by a disease.
This theory almost can't be true because there were no bodies found at the colony's town. Although this might be true, it is very unlikely even though the English did bring over many diseases to America.

Theory #2. They were all killed by a horrible hurricane.
This is another theory that almost can't be true because even though there weren't any bodies, and the houses were destroyed, the fence they built around their town was still standing tall. A hurricane that destroys a small town should be able to destroy a fence.

Final theory. The Native Americans killed all of them.
This is the most likely theory of all of them because about 5 years ago the English tried to make a colony at Roanoke Island and made the Croatoans mad. So when the English made their second colony, the Native Americans probably just got angry with them too.

I hope that you learned something today and that I will see you next time. Orotomo is gone

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Springtime Event Story

Hay people I told you in about five minutes. Well I am going to give you a small page of a story I wrote.

 So I went to Gamestop and I spotted a very peculiar cage right in front of the store. There was a man next to it making sure nothing was going to happen. Since he was the only one around, I went and talked to him. "Hey, what's inside of the cage?" I ask him.
"The pokemon Zekrom. This happens every year at this time." And since I believe things like that I didn't argue.
Zekrom then looked at me with a very sad face, so when the people around his cage and the people around Reshiram's cage were distracted, I freed them both. On my way home they followed me/ And when I got to the door, Mom said...

                                         More shall be posted.

Lake Erie Facts

Hey everybody I am going to tell you 4 facts about Lake Erie. So here they are.

         1. Lake Erie is the shallowest of the Great Lakes.

         2. Lake Erie is the fourth of the Great Lakes.

         3. Four states and one Canadian province touch Lake Erie's borders.

         4. The Niagra River connects Lake Erie with Lake Ontario.

Well those were my facts people, I hope that you learned something today and I will see you in about 5 minutes.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pokemon Black & White

Hey there everybody, today I'm going to talk about two games that are coming out on March sixth. These two games are, Pokemon Black (Black) and Pokemon White(White). I am getting Pokemon White the day that it comes out. The reason that I am getting White and not Black is because White has some pokemon that Black doesn't have, and vice versa. (i.e. White has Zekrom and Black has Reshiram) There is a picture of Zekrom above this paragraph. These games are exploring a whole new region to the Pokemon series called Isshu. There are going to be over 150 new pokemon. I believe the exact number was 167 new pokemon. There will also be a Wi-fi event to get the very first Fire-Psychic type pokemon, Victini. Well that is all for now. I will post more about this game as I play through it when I get it. Also, there is a picture of Reshiram underneath this paragraph.

Rosie the Riveter (Bioshock Big Daddy)

Now everybody, I know that a friend of mine, Tanner, has already used this video, but I will still use it because this was how the big daddy, Rosie was named. Rosie uses a Rivet Gun as a weapon, which is really just a really big nail gun that fires giant nails. Rosie is a big daddy, so it has what is called a little sister These little girls lok very greenand pale when you first find them, and they are kind of creepy as they also carry very big needles. By the way, save them when you can because if you save enough of them it gives you more "Adam" then it does when killing them. This song was inspired by the Rosie the Riviter Propaganda that was used to get women to get jobs in the 1960's.  Oh and I should of said this before, but this is actually the starting post of some BioShock posts. Well enjoy the song and I hope to see you next time where I will be blogging about the big sisters.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Advertisement for Phosphor

Hey everybody, today I am advertising an FPS game called Phosphor. It is a game that takes no download and is free. There are only four weapons, the pulse gun, the rocket launcher, the machine gun, and the sniper rifle. There is only one map that you can play on, but it is still a really great game. The website's URL is I hope that I will see you next time. John, is out.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blood Beast

This is the book in the Demonata series where Grubbs actually turns into the werewolf. This is also the fifth book in the series. Juni Swan comes back from the cast of Slawter, a movie made by the famous director, Davida Haym. She wanted to make a movie where people actually died on set because they were killed by demons. But enough about Slawter, this is about Blood Beast. Well, anyways, Grubbs has a big party, and then Grubbs, his friend Loch, and his brother Bill-E went out searching for Lord Sheftree's lost treasure. They came upon a cave which you would know from the book BEC if you have read that one. So they dug quite a lot, and then they found some big rocks that they could only one could be pulled out a day. Well, later that night Grubbs partially turned into a werewolf, went back to the cave, and pulled a whole bunch of rocks out. The next morning they got all of the rocks out. Then they went deeper into the cave and Bill-e fell off of a ledge... You will have to find out the rest when you read the book if you even do.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Little About the Demonata Series

These books are about Grubbs Grady turning into a werewolf. The Grady family has a curse because their ancestors had babies with demons. Most people turn into werewolves when they are teenagers. The only way to cure this is to fight the demon master Lord Loss in a game of Chess, but it isn't that simple. You have play the chess game on five different boards at the same time. You also have to have a partner to fight some of Lord Loss's familiars. Lord Loss has eight arms and hands.  He has lots of cracks in his skin from which blood oozes His hands are lumpy and misshapen, and they look like a 3 year-old child drew them. he floats above the ground and has long strips of skin instead of legs. His skin is red, and he has a hole in his chest filled with snake where his heart should be. That is all for today and you can see more at

Friday, February 4, 2011

Game NPCs : Chesty

Hey everybody, I am back with some information about game NPC's (non-playable characters). This post is about Chesty, from Fable 2 and 3.
Personality and Hobbies
                             Chesty is happy, and psychotic. He likes to kill adventurers that find him. He also likes to play Chesty's Chess which is where you have to break Chesty's Chess pieces.

                             Chesty lives in people's dreams. In Fable 2, you find him when you sleep at Garth's tower. In your dream, you are a kid but still keep your weapons. You then have to fight hollow men, balverines, hobbes, and all sorts of things like that. Your prize for this is the trophy, Son of Chesty, which is a little chest, and a part of Chesty's heart called The Diamond of Sorrow. In fable 3, you need to sleep in The Sunset House. There, he will want you to play Chess. After approximately 5 moves, he will say that this game is boring. So he will want to play a game that he made up, Chesty's Chess! You just have to break all of his Chess pieces that are made of stone. They just take 3 or less hits to take out. Your prize for this is the Sunset House and the ability to play chess anytime that you want.
This was a tribute to Chesty. Who just wanted to be everyone's super-bestest friend.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Siege of Madrigal Easter Eggs in Halo: Reach

This is an Easter egg in Halo: Reach that I find just hilarious. It includes dancing Grunts, Brute bartenders, and a Brute DJ. How to do this is not included in the video, but if you want to know how to do this, contact me. The first song that it plays is not Siege of Madrigal, to get the DJ to play that song, you need to fly up to the roof and hit another switch. Go to Club Ererra! I hope that you enjoy this video and I will see you next time.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fable: The Lost Chapters (TLC)

Hey everybody, and yes, I do know that I start all of my blog posts that way. Today, I am feeling about doing a game review on the extended version of the very first game of Fable, from Lionhead Studios. This game was really fun without the expansion, but TLC makes it even better! In Fable: TLC, The Jack of Blades is back, and is stronger than ever. At the beginning you need to talk to the old hero, Scythe, with Briar Rose and The Guildmaster. He tells you that new creatures called the Summoners have been supposedly coming out of these big doors called The Bronze Gate. You then need to go into a demon door, get something called the Fireheart, place it in a lighthouse, and then sail of to Snowspire Village in a ghost boat where you meet Scythe. Then you go to an abandoned village(You can find the one of the two legendary armors in the game here) there where there are ghost that don't know they are dead and balverines. What you need to do there is dig up some special talisman type stones, and bring them back to Scythe. After that, you need to get either The Guildmaster's soul or Nostro's soul, then you need your mother's dead soul, and the spirits of the arena. Bring them back to the 3 stones south of The Bronze Gate. Then go into The Bronze Gate and fight The Jack of Blades in a dragon form. The bad thing about this expansion is that The Jack of Blades sword only does 230 damage instead of 530 damage. Goodbye and farewell.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Snake on Youtube!

For all of you people who like that 1980's game Snake, what would you say if I said that you can play it on virtually any video on Youtube! What you have to do is pause the video at 0:00, and then hold down the left arrow key and hit the up arrow key. You then start playing it. You cannot move directly around (example: if you are going downward you need to go left then up)

Fallout : New Vegas Companions Guide #1 ED-E

For all of you people out there who liked the Enclave eye bots from Fallout 3, this little robot is just right for you! He is found in the city of Primm. When you get to Primm, go to the medium-sized building that says MOJAVE EXPRESS in red letters across the top. You will find ED-E just laying there deactivated. You can examine him and repair him if you have 2 sensor modules, 3 scrap metal, and 3 scrap electronics. Once you have him activated, go talk to the person who runs the Mojave Express building. You will then get a quest called, ED-E My Love. What you need to do is go to the Gibson Scrap Yard, north of Novac. Then talk to Lady Gibson, and you will hear a recording coming from ED-E. I can't remember the other places the you need to go, but I do know that you will get 3 other recordings. On the fourth and last recording the Brotherhood of Steel will talk and say that they can improve ED-E's armor. Then the Followers of Apocalypse will cut in and say that they can improve ED-E's weapons. Then go to either the Hidden Valley Bunker for an armor upgrade for ED-E, or to the Old Mormon Fort for a weapon  upgrade to ED-E. That is the prize you get at the end of that quest. It really sucks. I hope that this really helps, goodbye

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fallout New Vegas Guide: Weapons #2

Hey there everybody, I am back with more info on Fallout: New Vegas Weapons so here are the five weapons for today.

                        Alien Blaster/YCS/186 : These two weapons are found in the exact same place on the map. To get the alien Blaster you need to pick the Wild Wasteland trait, to get YCS/186 you need to not get the Wild Wasteland Trait. The spot that they are found at is straight eastward of Tumbleweed Ranch. The Alien Blaster is found on the dead body of the Alien Captain. YCS/186 is found in the hands of the Mercenary Captain. YCS/186 is the unique form of the Gauss Rifle.

                        Ratslayer : This is the unique form of the Varmint Rifle, the first rifle in the game that you get. Ratslayer is just the Varmint Rifle with all of it's attachments except with a sniper scope. It also has more damage and damage per second than the Varmint Rifle. It is found inside of Broc Flower Cave Northwest of Cottonwood Cove.

                        Abilene Kid LE BB Gun : This is the unique form of the BB Gun. It can actually be found in two places, but there is only one in the game. If you have Rex, the cyber-dog companion, and get him a new brain, then at some random time if you talk to him he will say arooooooo. Then you can guess what he is trying to say. After that go to Jimmy's Well, and then go inside of it. You will find a kid's skeleton and a Mole Rat. Kill the Mole Rat and then search around the body for the gun. You will find it with 200 BBs. If you don't have Rex then go inside of the shack that is right next to Jimmy's Well.(Please note that you need a Lockpick skill of 100 to open this door.) It will be on a shelf with 100 BBs.

                        Maria : This is the unique 9mm Pistol that is owned by Benny Torini, the man who shot you in the head at the beginning of the game. To get it you must either kill him, or steal it from him. I just killed him for it. The easiest way to do this is to let him go when you find him in the Tops casino. Then do what Caesar tells you to do.(Please note that you can still do this if you activate the Securitrons). Then he will give you Benny to either kill him, set him free, or crucify him which means nail him to a wooden post. Kill him, then search his body and you will find Maria! Along with Benny's suit.

                        Lucky : This is the unique .357 Revolver. It is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. To get it you must have a lockpick skill of at least 75. Then you need to go to the Bison Steve casino, go into the gift shop, look around on the ground, then open the floor safe. In the floor safe you will find lots of Psycho, Fixer, and Lucky.

I hope that enjoyed this po... what is that?

                 Bonus Weapon Blade of the East : This weapon is only found with one person, Legate Lanius, Caesar's second in command. His nickname is The Monster of the East. He is most easily killed if you fight him at the second battle of Hoover Dam. This is the unique form of the Rebar Sword. It is the best melee weapon in the game.

Alright, now I hope that you enjoyed this post and I will see you next time.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fallout: New Vegas Guide Weapons

Hey everybody, today I am feeling quite sick but I am still here to blog about Fallout New Vegas! Now you see I got this game for Christmas, and I have looked around in the game and have found some things called unique weapons. These are special weapons that have special names and are not found in more then one place in the game. There are forty-three different unique weapons. Here are five of them.

                   That Gun : This gun is like a futuristic revolver that is gray and neon green. It can be bought from Cliff Briscoe in Novac at the "Dino-Bite" store. Also can be obtained by steeling it from Cliff Briscoe's supply closet. It gets it's name because in Fallout One and Two people referred to it as "That Gun"

                   Euclid's CFinder : This can be bought from a kid named Max Outside of the East Gate of Freeside, a town just south of the New Vegas Strip. The price of it is one thousand caps. Caps are used as money in this game. If you have a high enough barter skill then you can buy it for twenty caps. or you can steal it from him in his sleep while he is in his broken down house inside of Freeside. To use this weapon you must first complete the quest "That Lucky Old Sun" and arm the super weapon "ARCHIMEDES II".

                   Oh Baby! : This is the unique Super Sledge which is found in the cave that is right outside of Jacobstown. This weapon is most easily found if you have the quest given by Dr. Henry to find out what the cause of the Nightstalker's invisibility is. Inside of the cave it is right next to the Nightkin's dead body that has the chewed up Stealth Boy.

                   Nephi's Golf Driver : This is just a really good golf club that you can get from the fiend Nephi. He is most easily found in the quest that is given to you by an NCR commander that tells you to kill three special fiends named Cook-Cook, a crazy pyromaniac, Nephi, a crazy melee drug addict, and Violet, a crazy dog tamer.

                   Holy Frag Grenades : I do not know the specific location of these grenades, but they are in a completely radiated destroyed town. They are in the basement of the house in the almost exact center of the town. These are almost the strongest weapons in the game. Most useful if you use them on the Legendary Deathclaw when you are at level thirty.

Well that is what I have to tell you about these five unique weapons.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What I Got For Christmas

This year, my family actually opened presents on Christmas Eve. The three things that I got on Christmas Eve were, an electrical drum kit with a 200 watt amp. Along with that, I also got a second foot pedal with a Call of Duty shirt that says Black Ops on the bottom of it, and the SOG team's symbol above it. The next day we got up an we found more presents under the tree. For me there was the Nerf gun Longstrike, four more drum sticks, the Xbox 360 games Vanquish, Call of Duty Black Ops, Fallout New Vegas, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Limited Edition (which my brother actually got), and Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock with four 1600 microsoft point cards(two of which are my brother's). I also got a book on how to teach yourself drum. The two DS games that I got were Dragon Quest IX(or 9) Sentinels of the Starry Skies, and Sonic Colors which surprisingly has nothing to do with the Chaos Emeralds. I also got A PEZ candy dispenser(that has a green stem and a polar bear's head at the top) with three PEZ candy packs(Cherry, Strawberry, and Rasberry flavors). Then we went up to my great grandma Joice's house to have a gift exchange. I got a 7 x 12 inch box full of hard candy with another box full of scented candles. Do you think that I had a great Christmas?